Contact: Bachisio Mario Padedda
Operating organization: ENAS – Ente Acque della Sardegna
University of Sassari
Funding agency: University of Sassari

Operating organization: ENAS – Ente Acque della Sardegna

Funding agency: University of Sassari

Lake Monte Lerno (IT10-004-A) is located in the North East part of Sardinia in the municipality of Pattada. Its construction was completed in 1980. The catchment area is extended for 160 km2. The reservoir lies at 563 m a.s.l. and has a maximum area of 4.4 km2, a mean depth of 14.9 m and a volume of 89.5 x 106 m3 of water. Its waters are used for drinking and irrigation. Lake Monte Lerno is classified as eutrophic.