Contact: Cecilia Totti
Federica Grilli
Pierluigi Penna
Operating organization: CNR – Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnologies (IRBIM)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Funding agency:

Operating organization: CNR – Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnologies (IRBIM)

Funding agency:

The Transetto Senigallia-Susak is a transect of sampling stations located in the Northern Adriatic Sea. The IRBIM-CNR in Ancona and the Politechnical University of Marche collects from the end of years 80s physical, chemical and biological data. This is an excellent observing site to analyze the characteristics of water masses entering and leaving the North Adriatic Sea and their possible modification. In the site is also located the TeleSenigallia pylon.