Lake Santo Parmense

Last DEIMS-SDR update: 09.09.2024

Contact: Giampaolo Rossetti
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Lake Santo Parmense is an oligotrophic dimictic lake of glacial-tectonic origin located in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park at an altitude of 1507 m a.s.l. It is the largest and deepest natural water body in the Northern Apennines, with a surface of 8.2 ha and maximum depth of 22.5 m. The period of ice cover usually lasts from November to May. It was naturally fishless, but underwent regular fish stocking since the beginning of the 20th century. There is a hut (Rifugio CAI Mariotti) on the shore of the lake, including a restaurant, dormitories and meeting room, 220 V power supply (open in summer and on request in other times too). It can also be reached by a chair lift. A small boat is permanently stationed at the lake for sampling operations. Limnological research on the lake started in the 1950s and continued until nowadays, although with several discontinuities. Research topics that have been addressed over the years at the lake include phytoplankton and zooplankton ecology and phenology, predation/competition interactions and energy fluxes through pelagic food web, evolution of trophic state, sensitivity to acidification and climate change.

View of Lago Santo Parmense from the slopes of Mount Marmagna.

Related Resources:
Air temperature measured near Lake Santo Parmense and Lake Scuro Parmense (1994-2010)
Ammonia in Lake Santo Parmense (1953- 1954)
Ammonia in Lake Santo Parmense (1991)
Ammonia in Lake Santo Parmense (2007-2010)
Ammonia in Lake Santo Parmense (1973- 1974)
Chlorophyll-a in Lake Santo Parmense (1973-1975)
Chlorophyll-a in Lake Santo Parmense (1991)
Density of phytoplankton in Lake Santo Parmense (may 1990)
Dissolved oxygen in Lake Santo Parmense (1971-1975)
Dissolved oxygen in Lake Santo Parmense (1991)
Dissolved oxygen in Lake Santo Parmense (2007-2010)
Nitrate in Lake Santo Parmense (1991)
pH in Lake Santo Parmense (1971-1974)
pH in Lake Santo Parmense (2001-2003)
pH in Lake Santo Parmense (2007-2010)
Dissolved oxygen in Lake Santo Parmense (2001-2003)
Precipitation measured near Lake Santo Parmense and Lake Scuro Parmense (1951-2010)
Reactive silica in Lake Santo Parmense (1991)
Reactive phosphorus in Lake Santo Parmense (1972_april 1973)
Reactive phosphorus in Lake Santo Parmense (1953-1954)
Secchi disk in Lake Santo Parmense (1991)
Water temperature in Lake Santo Parmense (1991)
Ammonia in Lake Santo Parmense (2001-2003)
Nitrate in Lake Santo Parmense (1953-1954)
Nitrate in Lake Santo Parmense (1972-1973)
Nitrate in Lake Santo Parmense (1973-1974)
Nitrate in Lake Santo Parmense (2001-2003)
Nitrate in Lake Santo Parmense (2007-2009)
Nitrate in Lake Santo Parmense (2010)
Density of phytoplankton in Lake Santo Parmense (1991)
Secchi disk in Lake Santo Parmense (1971-1975)
Secchi disk in Lake Santo Parmense (2001)
Secchi disk in Lake Santo Parmense (2003)
Secchi disk in Lake Santo Parmense (2007-2010)
Reactive phosphorus in Lake Santo Parmense (1973-1974)
Reactive phosphorus in Lake Santo Parmense (2001-2003)
Reactive phosphorus in Lake Santo Parmense (2007-2010)
Water temperature in Lake Santo Parmense (1951-1954)
Water temperature in Lake Santo Parmense (1971-1975)
Water temperature in Lake Santo Parmense (2001-2003)
Water temperature in Lake Santo Parmense (2007-2010)
Chlorophyll-a in Lake Santo Parmense (2001-2003)
Chlorophyll-a in Lake Santo Parmense (2007-2010)
Reactive silica in Lake Santo Parmense (1953-1954)
Reactive silica in Lake Santo Parmense (2001-2003)
Reactive silica in Lake Santo Parmense (1972-1974)
Reactive silica in Lake Santo Parmense (2007-2010)
pH in Lake Santo Parmense (1991)
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