Ongoing projects

H2020 eLTER-Plus
The Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research infrastructure Advanced Community project (eLTER PLUS) is a HORIZON 2020 funded Research and innovation action (RIA) with three main pillars: networking, joint research activities and transnational, remote and virtual access.

The EU-funded eLTER PPP project is opening an important chapter in the development of a permanent infrastructure for long-term ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological research. The eLTER PPP project will pave the way for a new kind of transdisciplinary research on ecosystems.

HE MarcoBolo
MARCO-BOLO project will reinforce European coastal and marine biodiversity observation capabilities. It will connect them to global efforts to understand and restore ocean health. The project will explore end user needs to optimise marine data flows and knowledge adoption and improve biodiversity observation-based governance.

ITINERIS will build the Italian Hub of Research Infrastructures in the environmental scientific domain for the observation and study of environmental processes in the atmosphere, marine domain, terrestrial biosphere, and geosphere, providing access to data and services and supporting the Country to address current and expected environmental challenges.

The National Biodiversity Center is the first national research center dedicated to biodiversity, coordinated by the National Research Council (CNR). Over 1500 researchers and 48 partner organizations committed to studying and preserving the ecosystems and biodiversity of Italy.
Completed projects

Life+ EnvEurope
EnvEurope is a case study and pilot scheme for an ecological research and monitoring workflow based on the distributed network of LTER-Europe sites. The key principles of the project are scientific knowledge, common information management and harmonization of parameters and methods at a European scale through a cross-domain approach with 67 LTER-Europe sites encompassing terrestrial, continental waters, wetlands and marine ecosystems from 11 countries.

ECOPOTENTIAL is a H2020 project that focuses its activities on a targeted set of internationally recognised Protected Areas, blending Earth Observations from remote sensing and field measurements, data analysis and modelling of current and future ecosystem conditions and services. ECOPOTENTIAL considers cross-scale geosphere-biosphere interactions at regional to continental scales, addressing long-term and large-scale environmental and ecological challenges.

H2020 Advance-eLTER
The project conducted important conceptual work and preparatory steps towards enabling European-scale investigation of the โCritical Zoneโ, major ecosystems and socio-ecological systems, targeted at supporting knowledge-based decision making concerning ecosystem services and biodiversity. The objectives of Advance_eLTER were firmly anchored to the strategic long-term goals of the eLTER RI, but focussed on the challenges identified by the ESFRI review.

eLTER H2020
eLTER H2020 was a major project on the path to developing European Long-Term Ecosystem Research infrastructures. The overall aim of the eLTER H2020 project was to advance the European network of Long-Term Ecosystem Research sites and socio-ecological research platforms to provide highest quality services for multiple use of a distributed research infrastructure.

This Network of Excellence (NoE) creates an European long-term inter-disciplinary research facility for research on the complex relationship between ecosystems, biodiversity and society. It will provide research support for policy assessment and development on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the European Union, and a stable facility for information retrieval and reporting on biodiversity-related issues.

This European project which aimed to bring together the major observational, experimental, analytical and modelling facilities in ecosystem science in Europe. By uniting these highly instrumented ecosystem research facilities under the same umbrella and with a common vision, ExpeER intended to contribute to structuring the still fragmented research community on terrestrial ecosystems within the European Research Area.